Treasure what you have...

Treasure what you have...

Time is too slow for those who wait;
Too swift for those who fear;
Too long for those who grief;
Too short for those who rejoice;
But for those who love...
Time is eternity.

My Music

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The Birth of Baby Genevieve

On the 22ND May 2008, Baby Genevieve is born. This cute little princess of Brandon & Jess, and who I've been carrying for 9 months in my womb, is finally out to explore the world by herself.

Admitted to the hospital on night of Wednesday, 21st May 2008. When my husband fetched me to the hospital, it's already 9pm. Upon reaching the hospital, the nurse directed me to the labour ward immediately, and my husband will have to settle with all the admission paper work. After that, then he can come to keep me accompany in the labour ward.

At ard 9 plus, the nurse inserted a tablet into me, which is known as induction.

At 0400hrs, my water bag burst. Water starts to flow out, and it's warm. The water will just keep on flowing out until the baby is born.

0430hrs, contraction started. The pain was getting from bad to worse... and it's really unbearable. I endured for the 6 hrs, and until the nurse told me that my delivery won't be so soon, then i finally gave up and opt for epidural.

Fortunately, I've my husband beside me to give me support though he's tired and can't do much for the pain I'm experiencing.

Finally, after another 5 hrs, Baby Genevieve is out. For that moment, I really feel relieve in my womb, not so heavy. I can see my husband's tears in his eyes, as he saw the pain I'd and giving out all my strength to push the baby out.

The delivery process is really a memorable and unforgettable one.

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